Hearing God's Call

Hearing God’s call can be challenging. Moses didn’t have nearly as many distractions as we do in our modern world. He didn’t have to pause his video game or put down his phone. He was already in a quiet place where God could speak to him. Many people assume this kind of calling just sort of falls on certain misfits, and away they go to do mysterious things. But the call of God comes to those who are in a place to hear it. 

The people I interviewed for Uncharted Mission: Going to the Final Frontiers faced all of these things too. But they were able to cut through the noise and hear God’s voice. 

I noticed some patterns in how these folks discovered their calling. These are the elements of this calling, in no particular order as they each influence the other.

  • Scripture
  • Statistics
  • Stories
  • Supportive People
  • Spirit of God


Those I interviewed all assume that the Bible, Old and New Testaments, is authentic communication from the God who is love. 

Not only is it authentic communication from God, it’s timeless truth communicated through certain people in certain eras of human history. In other words, it’s a culturally influenced collection of books communicating transcultural truths.

That means it’s a cross-cultural book, best understood in a cross-cultural context. This is not to say that mono-cultural people cannot understand it, but only that when we listen to culturally aware people who believe it is authentic communication for God, we gain insights into God and his Word that we otherwise would have missed.

The Bible also has a theme, and – spoiler alert – neither you nor I are the main characters! It’s a book about God and his rescue mission through Jesus his Son. He’s the hero of the story, if you will. We are recipients of his love and grace.

In chapter 6 of Uncharted Mission, you’ll read Ramsay’s struggle to submit to what the Bible says. He won that battle, and changed the spiritual atmosphere for a whole people.

For me, Romans 15:20 captured my imagination when I was in college, and it set the course of my life.


It is important to remember that statistics about unreached and unengaged peoples refer to men, women and children who are made in the image of God and for whom Christ died. Don’t let “statistics” become just dry numbers. Let them provoke your imagination.

That being said, they are constantly changing. When I heard that “missionaries to Muslims are one-in-a-million, literally,” it rocked my world. It’s hard to imagine how a community might inter-relate when they have had no exposure to Jesus or his words. Somehow, I got a wisp of how that might be (I think it was the Spirit of God).

In chapter seven of Uncharted Mission you’ll read about a team who went where no Christ-followers had gone before, and a little bit about family life in that world where reconciliation involved humiliating the woman involved in marital conflict. You’ll see how the example of these Christians rocked that world.

For a quick understanding of the world from a Kingdom of God perspective, click here.

For up-to-date stats on unreached and unengaged peoples, see these websites.

Joshua Project.org


Frontiers USA


This is where my journey to the nations started. I read the stories of J. Hudson Taylor: God’s Man in China, and C.T. Studd: Cricketer and Pioneer, and In the Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Times of Jim Elliott. These stories opened my eyes and heart to those peoples and places beyond the reach of any Christian church or outreach effort.

Uncharted Mission: Going to the Final Frontiers is a treasure chest of stories of people possessed of this same Spirit. 

I am unapologetic in feeling a sense of urgency that those with no access to the gospel be given the opportunity to understand and trust the living Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s work together to change the world for such people.

Supportive People

No one has ever carried the gospel to the unreached or unengaged by themselves. It is too big a task to do alone, and it is too big a calling to try to discern it alone. The folks in Uncharted Mission: Going to the Final Frontiers found a community of like-minded people to encourage one another. Some of them started out alone, but as soon as they found others with the same passion, they linked up with them.

If you don’t have a tribe who shares your vision, let me be the first in line to encourage you. Contact me.  I’ll do my best to hook you up.

Spirit of God

My friend Kent took the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Course and did not go to an unreached people group. He saw the “golden thread” throughout the Scriptures tracing God’s passion to reach all nations with his love. He saw the distribution of Christian workers around the world, and how billions are left without a witness to Jesus. He saw the strategic value of focusing mission on the unreached and unengaged. He loves God with all his heart. And he became a pastor and then a counsellor. I have other friends who responded similarly. They are not resisting the Spirit of God. They are not in rebellion against God. They are following God into what he made them for.

This calling is not for everyone. The Bible is clear about that. I believe that every Christ-follower who is confronted with this information has to be open to God’s call to go.

But it has to be the Spirit of God who awakens and sends. That’s why Jesus said to pray in Matthew 9:36-38:

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Your Part


How is your confidence in the Bible? Do you take it all as God’s word to humanity, or do you pick and choose passages? As I once told a pastor, “People who don’t believe the Bible don’t get involved I this work. It is too difficult to attempt without confidence in the promises of God.”

Do you see the nations in the Bible when you read it? Keep looking. Often the word used is Gentiles. What do you read about how God interacts with or for the Gentiles?


Who are you listening to about the world? Learn to see faces behind the numbers. Cultivate a bit of holy imagination. Find out where the gospel is not available and ask God what he wants you to do about that.


Do you see The Story in the stories you watch? 

The Marvel Comics Universe is full of men and women who are desperate to save the world and fighting way above their weight. Tony Stark, with all his faults, wants to make the world a better place. Star Wars is the same story. An inadequate man with glaring weaknesses saves the world. So too in the True Story of God’s efforts to save the world. He works through inconsistent, faulty human beings to bring his glory to the surface in this world. You’ll find your tribe among fearful, courageous people for whom God’s perfect love casts out their fear.

Supportive People

Are your friends sold out to Jesus? Are you encouraging each other to faith and courage? Are you all fanning the flame for Jesus’ glory among the nations? Just like a lump of charcoal in a barbecue that gets removed from the rest of the coals cools off, so will you if you find yourself alone with your vision. Bring others with you.

Spirit of God

Pray Matthew 9:36-38.

Scripture. Stats. Stories, Supportive People. Spirit of God.

Join me on my blog. We’ll explore this calling together.

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